Sunday, May 17, 2015

Have you ever started a company from nothing?

Have you ever started a company from nothing? Neither have I.... Till now. My name is Stephen and together with a good friend of mine JR we are starting a HVAC company from the ground up in Springfield, MO. Trust me when I tell you this, we are two weeks in, and it's not easy! Starting a company is like putting together a puzzle. You have a piece and you know where it's supposed to go and you want to put it there but you have to build the puzzle around it before it will fit. All I want is a phone number, but before that you have to have an address which you can only get after you have insurance etc. etc. Now i'm no writer, but my plan is to document the whole experience week after week so as the company grows into what JR and myself can envision for this community you will be able to follow along the whole way! So stay tuned for poorly written stories and feel free to message me anytime!

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