Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Lets Talk About the DMV!

Ok so everyone hates the DMV, it's no big secret. I myself loath going to the DMV and after last Friday I feel even more contempt for the organization! Sit back and buckle up ladies and gents, I'm about to tell you a story of mine and JR's magical adventure to the Department of Motor Vehicles! So here me and JR are tearing it up at work "as is the normal" and we decided, hey it's Friday, we have a lot of meetings to attend and don't really have time to get started on any big project so let’s get the new service van and box truck licensed. That was the first mistake! So me being me, and having just done this myself for my personal vehicle, get everything together to make the trip. Everything you should need I might add! We decide to go to the Republic DMV as it’s probably closer to our shop and since at this point it’s about 9am we figure it's probably less busy anyways. So we walk in and luckily there isn't anyone really there. We walk up to a teller "not sure if that's what they are called, but whatever" and she immediately points us to a different booth. We present our neatly organized documents to teller #2 like a peasant making an offer to their king. Hoping with all our heart that it’s enough. WRONG! So as it turns out if you start a new business, and use your home address as the primary location, having the personal property tax for your home isn't enough! That's right you have to have a personal property tax waiver for the business. Why? The business is registered to a home address and the property tax is paid! It makes no sense to me! But alas, the mighty DMV has spoken! So off we go, where too you ask? Great question, the courthouse back in Springfield! Time. 10:15 am. Location. Greene county courthouse. Now this seems self-explanatory right. Just walk in and follow the signs to where you need to go. FALSE! This assumption leads to mistake number two! JR and myself walk in and try to follow what is probably the most ridiculous set of directions I've ever seen. We are walking around this place and finding nothing. up to floor 2. Negative. Let’s try floor 3. Nope. Luckily we run into what can only be described as a flock of elderly women on the third and top floor. Who were kind enough to advise us that the magic room we seek is in fact back on the first floor. Back down the stairs we go to room 117! Now it's important to note that I'm pretty sure this entire building doesn't have any form of A/C, I assume to try to keep you from lingering any longer than you have to, but that's just a guess. Anyway here we are in room 117. We finally found it! Huzza! Negative! Ooh....yeah....sorry I can give you what you seek but you have to go down to room 37 in the basement to really get the process started! So down into the depths of the courthouse we go. To a hidden room tucked secretly away in a corner numbered room 37. I kid you not, after waiting in this line for 10 minutes all this lady asked for was. Name, Address, Phone number. That's it! The reward.... A piece of paper. Back to room 117 she commands! Of course now there's a line so after waiting we give the hard earned piece of paper to the nice counter lady. She takes it with a smile and asks JR for his Name, Address, and phone number. It's like a joke to these people. Why send us down there to give 3 pieces of information, much less ask us the same information when we get back. This place is a mad house! It's now close to 11am and we have a meeting to be at around 11:30 so we decide, our meeting is on the south side of town let’s go to the DMV on South Fremont. Aaaaaand mistake number 3! We get there and there is a line around the building! It would take hours to wait in this line so we do the only logical thing you can do in this situation. Back to Republic!!! Don't judge us! We get back to the Republic DMV and luckily the line there was minimal, it probably did save us a fair amount of time to be honest, except when we finally get to the counter "the first counter we went to in the very beginning I might add, like somehow its now the correct counter" our teller is brand new! This has got to be the longest process I've ever sat through. Its constant questions and re-entering information and so on and so on. Now I get that everyone has to start somewhere, but shouldn't there be someone training this poor girl? Don't just throw her to the wolves! Meanwhile I look over at JR and I can just see the poor guy age before my eyes, he's literally losing years off his life! I've seen smokers age slower. lol. Needless to say we finally get everything taken care of at about noonish. And in case you were wondering, 3 long hours later we did in fact make it to the tail end of our meeting. Don't ask me how tho! :/ As always I apologize for my poor spelling and grammatical errors. English wasn't my strongest subject. Haha. Feel free to leave a comment below and if you need any kind of heating or air work give us a call at 831-9500! Thanks for your business! ^_^

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Things are rolling!

So I've made it through my first month! To me that's cause for celebration. lol. Things are picking up now. We had the box truck wrapped yesterday and the calls are steadily coming in. Now the only problem I have is how to get our webpage to the top of google without throwing a ton of money at it! Haha. Its going to be a long and arduous process! I'm curious tho to anyone reading these things, what makes you choose an HVAC company? What do you look for? Leave me a comment, and if you're already a customer then thank you for your business!